So I got spotify about half a year ago and started gathering the best music that I added to certain playlists.
Now, these are the playlists I listen to every workout, I have a rap playlist and a metal one.
The music I listen to gets me into beast mode at the gym and fuels me even more to go hard and hit PR’s (Personal Records) in my MASS Workout Routine.
These playlists are so good that they make you want to stay in the car just so u can continue listening. (much like in GTA where you didn’t want to get out the car for a mission because you were hooked to the radiosongs lol)
I created two very wide ranged, Rap and Metal, playlists with 10+ hours of epic music.
”Stefan Lamers Gym Rap”: Drake, DMX, Ice Cube, Eminem, Lil Wayne, Jay Z etc.
”Stefan Lamers Gym Metal”: The metal goes all the way from old school rock to death metal; Disturbed, Torture Killer, Lamb of God, Korn, Iron Maiden etc.
Check out my profile by clicking on the link below and listen to the playlists or simply go to spotify and type in ”Stefan Lamers Gym”
Click here to see Stefan Lamers on Spotify
Make sure to follow the playlists and/or profile to get to enjoy all the new songs I add on a weekly basis.

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